Wednesday, May 26, 2010

He's Six!

This is my William. He turned six yesterday. He is a wonderful kid. Really he is. He is full of it - no doubt, but that is what makes him so much fun. He is easy to be around. He has lots of friends and is always ready to play. Kids love to play with him because he is so easy going, and he will play anything. He has an indescribable quality - a twinkle in his eye - like he is in on a private joke. He rarely says to me (every parents' favorite phrase) "I'm bored". He is anything but boring. He is a fun loving prankster. Every morning he sneaks up the stairs and tries to scare me. Unfortunately, I told him that like all mothers, we have that extra set of eyes in the back of our heads, so he can't get away with anything. I wonder how much longer that will fly. . . He still give me kisses and hugs, when I come to his school class. I love him and hope he had a great day, because he deserves it.

This was how the day went:

  • He got to stay home from school because it is kindergarten testing this week, so in the morning we let him open one gift.

This was his "big" present. Jesse is a sucker for birthdays. He really wants our kids to feel special on their day. Therefore, he can be talked into things for birthdays that normally he would not do. So we finally broke down and got a Wii. It really is fun. I wish I had video of Christian and William playing the sword fighting game. It was pretty hilarious.

  • Next William wanted to go to Costa Vida for lunch and then we went to the skate park to enjoy the sunshine.

  • Then we went shopping to get a few things for William's birthday party.

  • After Christian got home from school we finished opening gifts

He got a new pee-wee football, and a baseball bag, including batting gloves and sweat bands. William really has an aptitude for sports. He is just inclined that way. It comes naturally. And he loves it. Watching he and Christian at their baseball games is so fun. They tap home plate before batting, they slide - surprisingly when they should, they spit. It's awesome. So a couple of weeks ago William hit a triple in his baseball game, and broke his wooden bat. He loved that bat. So uncle Jeremy stepped up and got him a brand new bat - "the Hammer". Perfect.

  • After dinner we got ready for the baseball game. Which they won due to an awesome triple play - seriously. A triple play! - These kids are 6-8, I think that is pretty amazing.

  • Then it was home for cake and ice cream. Once again I took a crazy pill and decorated a cake. I started this tradition with one kid. You know that blissful time where you have a ton of time, and doing these kind of "home-maky" things seems cool, and like it makes you a better mom. So, you spend like three hours making and decorating this cake that gets destroyed in 12 seconds. Now I have three kids, no time, and though admittedly I am better at it now, I can't get out of this tradition. My kids love it and I now own pretty much every character cake pan Wilton makes. So William wanted a pirate cake, and I obliged.

We talked Great Grandma and Grandpa Hess into coming over for some cake, and we got Grandpa to play bowling on the Wii. It was a good day. I hope you felt special William. Mommy loves you!


  1. what a fun day william! again you are a better mom than me- freakin cake maker! love it. now what are you gonna have on sunday? another cake?

  2. Happy Birthday William! Geoff and I loved talking to him on his birthday - he was so excited to tell us all about his fun day. You are so awesome to do those cakes for them and I know they appreciate it (and I am always in awe of how great they turn out).

  3. Great job on that cake! Happy Birthday William!

  4. So darling, Linds! I can't believe Will is already six! You are such a great Mom, decorating and all. Your boys are beautiful! Love you! Allie
