So, apparently the universe has decided that it is science month at my house. Christian has been studying the states of matter and came home with a recipe for Oobleck. This weirdo substance appears dry and cakey but when you touch it is liquefies. Very creepy.
We spent over and hour poking, prodding, squeezing, and generally being fascinated by this stuff. You can pick it up, make a ball in you hands and then open your hands and it just melts. It is like being an X-men with the power of melting solid objects. This is the kind of thing that makes my brain hurt. It was just so crazy weird.
We had a lengthy discussion with the boys about the difference between solid, liquid, and gas. Evidently, this quite fascinated William. Let me explain. I am in a carpool for Kindergarten and at the end of the week the other mother in the carpool called to enlighten me on what William had been telling the carpool all week. This story had evolved during the week, so let me summarize. He had enrolled in a special science class that was held during recess at a separate school. This was a class of chosen students who conducted very complex scientific experiments. But by Friday the class had been cancelled because someone had been killed.
We had a lengthy discussion with the boys about the difference between solid, liquid, and gas. Evidently, this quite fascinated William. Let me explain. I am in a carpool for Kindergarten and at the end of the week the other mother in the carpool called to enlighten me on what William had been telling the carpool all week. This story had evolved during the week, so let me summarize. He had enrolled in a special science class that was held during recess at a separate school. This was a class of chosen students who conducted very complex scientific experiments. But by Friday the class had been cancelled because someone had been killed.
William is a very skilled "storyteller". Sometimes it is difficult to explain to a 5 year old the difference between imagination and straight up lying. He had apparently convinced the other children in the carpool of the story too, because they were backing him up and giving additional details.
Whether they become scientists or storytellers they will do it 100%.